DAY 12 | The LORD Who Sanctifies You

Say to the Israelites, ‘Be sure to observe my days of worship. This will be a sign between me and you for generations to come so that you will know that I am Adonai Mekaddishkem (The LORD Who Sanctifies You).

Exodus 31:13

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם

יְהוָה מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם | Adonai Mekaddishkem | The LORD Who Sanctifies You
0:00 / 0:00

photography by Andrzej Kryszpiniuk / calligraphy by Rita Ip


Resting Place (music for Day 12)
rita | revelation + inspiration


The LORD, my Sanctifier, I adore You. You rested on the 7th day of creation; You blessed and sanctified that day and instituted the Sabbath to reveal to mankind the importance of complete and solemn rest.

Thank You for the gracious gift of Sabbath. It is the day for resting my body, mind, and spirit before You, magnifying You, and savoring the marvelous things You've done.

Forgive me for being preoccupied with my productivity and performance. Sometimes I refuse to slow down and rest. Forgive me for neglecting Your commandment and denying my needs.

Holy Spirit, calm my soul at the cross of Jesus, where all striving, worldly pursuits, and works of the flesh should cease.

Because You are the LORD who sanctifies me, I will keep the Sabbath holy and find true rest and renewal in You.

A few facts…

  • Adonai Mekaddishkem (יְהוָה מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם) is generally translated as "The LORD Who Sanctifies You" , "The LORD Who Makes You Holy," or "The LORD Who Sets You Apart".

  • Mekaddishkem (מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם) comes from the Hebrew word kadosh (קָדוֹשׁ), and is translated in English to "sanctify", "holy", "dedicate", "consecrate", "sanctuary", or "hallow". To sanctify means to set apart something or someone for sacred use.

  • The first occurrence of Mekaddishkem can be found in Genesis 2:3a, where God sanctified the Sabbath: "Then Elohim blessed the seventh day and set it apart as holy because on that day He ceased all His work of creation." Adonai Mekaddishkem appears in Exodus 31:13 when God gave the commandment of the Sabbath to the Israelites. It is a promise from God to the Israelites that He will make them a holy people belonging to Himself, establishing a special relationship with them.


Find a quiet space, minimizing distractions. Roll and relax your neck and shoulders, releasing muscle tension.

Smile, for true rest is found in Him.

Take a deep breath, filling your lower abdomen, imagining yourself comfortably lying in God's embrace.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, acknowledging this truth: whether resting or working, you are equally loved and cherished in His eyes.

Gently exhale slowly, taking longer than inhaling, entrusting to Him your anxieties, fears of missing out, attachment to personal performance, and perfectionism.

Repeat these simple steps as needed to relax your mind and body.

Exercise 1:


Journaling goes beyond prayer and internal reflection. It provides an emotional outlet and helps us gain clarity on our thoughts and beliefs. By exploring deeper, we uncover the sources of mental clutter and emotions, allowing us to let go of what no longer serves us and make room for what truly matters.

Today we will write to The LORD Who Sanctifies You. Let’s invite the Holy Spirit, seeking His guidance and discovering the path He intends for you. Steady yourself and find the flow of His Spirit. Capture your dialogue with Him in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / the LORD Who Sanctifies Me, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

Exercise 2:


He is the LORD Who Sanctifies You. He established the Sabbath and invites you to rest. How does this connection impact your present lifestyle? Take a moment to reflect and pen down your declaration.

Because You are the LORD who sanctifies me, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak this declaration aloud to Him and yourself. Repeat it a few times, allowing it to penetrate your soul. Nourish your mind with thoughts that please God and let go of thoughts that do not serve you or His kingdom.

This marks the end of Day 12 of HE. As we conclude today, my prayer is for your restless heart to discover genuine rest in Him. He is the One who rested on the seventh day of creation and will guide us into the ultimate Sabbath rest.



Personal remarks. For over a year now, I’ve been observing the Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening. It probably isn’t the time to explain all the whys, hows, and benefits here. To keep it short, I would say that I set aside that day just for activities that are restful and worshipful, activities that help me connect with God, myself, or my loved ones.

I am by no means asking you to observe the Sabbath the way I do, but it is a spiritual practice that is worth looking into, especially when we are living in a world that worships productivity and performance. If you are interested, you are welcome to view/use the Sabbath prayers I use with my sister.

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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