DAY 22 | God of My Praise
O Elohei Tehillati (God of My Praise), don’t stand silent and aloof.
Pronunciation Reference: אֱלֹהֵי תְהִלָּתִי
photography by Andy Holmes / calligraphy by Rita Ip
God of my praise, I adore You with all that I am. Your beauty captivates my heart, and Your loving gaze melts my pride. You are worthy of my utmost devotion.
Thank You for filling me with unspeakable joy and deep satisfaction when I offer You my heartfelt praises. Thank You for every divine encounter that makes me thirst for more of You.
Forgive me when I give You half-hearted, distracted, or convenient worship. Forgive me when impure motives taint my worship or when it is weather-dependent.
Teach me to worship You in spirit and truth. Only You can make me the true worshipper You are looking for.
Because You are the God of My Praise, I declare I am created to offer You ceaseless worship from the core of my being, my lifelong response to Your unchanging greatness.
A few facts…
When David in Psalm 109 called God Elohei Tehillati (אֱלֹהֵי תְהִלָּתִי), meaning "God of my praise“, it was an expression of his desperate cry for deliverance from his adversaries. David consistently referred to God by this title, even in times when God seemed silent when he faced unjust accusations, and when people repaid his good deeds with evil.
The Hebrew word tehillati (תְהִלָּתִי) originates from the root halal (הַלְלֵֽי), which conveys the meaning of "praise" and connotes a deep sense of gratitude. Similarly, the term Hallelujah (Hallelu Yah) is also derived from the Hebrew root halal and carries the significance of "praise Yahweh" or "praise the Lord. Hallelu means "praise," while Yah is a shortened form of "Yahweh."
In Hebrew, the Book of Psalms is known as Tehillim (תְהִלִּים) which translates to "praises" or "songs of praise".
In a quiet space, sit comfortably and relax your neck and shoulders.
Smile, for He delights and dwells in your praise.
Breathe gently and deeply, contemplating His beauty and fullness, allowing the air to fill your lower abdomen.
Hold your breath for a few seconds, marveling at His unchanging goodness.
Exhale for a longer duration than your inhale, releasing your burdens to Him.
Exercise 1:
I appreciate your commitment to dedicating time to magnify His name alongside me. It's important for you to recognize that a fulfilling journaling experience doesn't demand a significant amount of your time. Even a few minutes spent journaling with God can be enriching and satisfying for your soul.
Open a fresh page in your journal and direct your words to God of Your Praise. Let us engage in prayer and discover the path that the Holy Spirit is guiding you on today. Pen down your conversation with Him, capturing the essence of your connection.
[Part 1]
Dear Father / God of My Praise, …
[Part 2]
Dear child / (your name), …
• Dedicate this journal entry solely to praising Him
• Describe to Him one of your memorable worship experiences
• Tell Him about your struggles with praising Him
• Ask Him about the kind of praises He wants from you
• Have you ever asked Him about His favorite worship song or music of all time?
Check out Appendix 2 for more.
Exercise 2:
He is the God of Our Praise, unaffected by our circumstances and emotions. His worth remains constant, always deserving of our adoration. How does this truth impact the way you live? Craft a simple declaration that resonates with you.
Because You are God of My Praise, I declare I can / I will / I am…
Recite your declaration aloud, addressing both Him and yourself. Repeat it several times, with conviction and strength. A declaration filled with faith has the power to send shivers down your spine. Consider reading it every morning or before bedtime to ensure it remains at the forefront of your mind. This practice can assist in renewing your mindset and nurturing a heart that is in harmony with God's truth.
Day 22 of HE comes to a close. As we conclude, my prayer for you is that amidst life's highs and lows, He always fills your heart with songs of praise.
Personal remarks. About 10 years ago, I came out of depression and I did so by persistently praising God. I understand it’s all by His love and grace that I am still alive and writing to you now. If you want to know how beautifully He carried me through my valley experience and what I got out of it, check out the following links:
Further study:
God of My Praise -
The Names of God: Elohei Tehillati-
Psalm 109 - Bible Commentary -
tᵊhillâ (praise) - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon H8416 -
**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to
HE (Hebrew Names of God)
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