DAY 25 | Everlasting Father
For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Avi’ad (Everlasting Father), Prince of Peace.
Pronunciation Reference: אֲבִיעַ֖ד
Photography by Hu Chen / Calligraphy by Rita Ip
My Everlasting Father in heaven, I love You. You are Father to the fatherless, and You are the only perfect Father. You are never distant, absent, or apathetic.
Thank You for Your welcoming embrace and for the right to be Your child and co-heir with Christ, so I may cry out, "Abba Father."
Forgive me when I am like the prodigal son who wanders and squanders what his father has given him. Forgive me also when I am like the other son who resents his father for blessing the undeserving. Forgive me for not understanding Your heart.
I desperately need a greater revelation of Your Fatherly love; I genuinely want to love You the way Jesus does and to have true intimacy with You.
Because You are my Everlasting Father, I declare I am Your child, eternally and unconditionally loved and accepted.
A few facts…
Avi'ad (אֲבִיעַ֖ד) combines the root ad (עַד) meaning "eternal" or "forever" with the root av (אָב) meaning "father”.
Avi'ad, found in Isaiah 9:6, is a component of a fourfold prophetic name attributed to Jesus. This Messianic prophecy foretells the birth of Jesus and emphasizes His divine nature and eternal reign as the Messiah.
While the Bible often refers to Jesus as the Son of God, Isaiah 9:6 reveals a deeper nature, depicting Him as the "Everlasting Father." This highlights His transcendence beyond the familiar role of a son, embodying paternal qualities. Jesus embodies both the aspects of "son" and "father."
Avi'ad is commonly translated as "Everlasting Father" or "Eternal Father," and in some versions as "Father of Eternity" or "My Father of Eternity“.
In a quiet space, find a comfortable seat. Take a moment to stretch, releasing muscle tension.
Smile, knowing the perfect Father loves you deeply and fully accepts you.
Inhale deeply through your nose, as if drawing in His love, feeling your abdomen expand.
Hold your breath for a few seconds, savoring this beautiful moment in His presence.
Gently exhale through your mouth, releasing any feelings of loneliness, of not being loved, or not being appreciated.
Repeat as desired, aiming for deeper breaths each time.
Exercise 1:
Today, we will write to our Everlasting Father, and I have a special assignment for you. Please watch the following video “Father’s Love Letter”* (text version is also available), then write your response to Him in your journal. Let’s pray for a deep fellowship with Him guided by the Holy Spirit. Have a blessed time receiving and responding to His Fatherly love!
Exercise 2:
He is your Everlasting Father, the perfect Father who loves you dearly and unconditionally. How does this relate to the way you live today? Inscribe a declaration that resonates with your unique situation.
Because You are my Everlasting Father, I declare I can / I will / I am…
Recite this declaration several times, directing your words to the Father and to the depths of your own soul. Allow each repetition to strengthen your conviction. Let your heart resound with a resolute Amen. Discipline yourself to see through the lens of faith, immersing yourself in the reality that God has ordained for you.
As we conclude Day 25 of HE, my prayer for you is that regardless of the hardships you've faced in life, may you experience the restoration of your childlike heart, finding genuine joy in the loving embrace of the Father.
Further study:
Everlasting Father -
How Can Jesus Be Our Everlasting Father? -
His Name—the Everlasting Father - Charles Spurgeon
Seven Features of God’s Fatherly Love -
How God’s Father-Love Could Change Your Life -
The Ultimate Guide to Experiencing the Father’s love -
Bible Verses on the Father’s Love -
āḇ (father) - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon H1 -
ʿaḏ (everlasting) - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon H5703 -
**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to
HE (Hebrew Names of God)
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