DAY 31... Thank You!


DAY 31... Thank You!

Please congratulate yourself for completing this 30-day devotional! I see the joy you’ve brought to our Father’s heart!

My warmest thanks

I thank Abba Father for drawing you to Himself through this devotional. There are thousands of ways He could have spoken to you, but at some point in time, He has graciously chosen this channel.

Thank you for carving out time to exalt His name. I honor you for every ounce of effort you put into it regardless of how busy or chaotic life gets.

My sincere thanks to Dr. Fiona Blumfield (my Hebrew teacher), John J. Parsons ( and Wesley Suen, my friend. I must also thank my sister for her firm and hearty support.

What's next?

30 names or attributes are certainly not enough to cover the full spectrum of His goodness. However, I believe this devotional will serve to inspire you to go further and dive deeper.

Things I strongly suggest you consider:

  • Read your collection of declarations. Take some time to read out all the declarations you’ve written, one after another. (Don’t worry if you don’t have all 30 of them, just read what you have.) Feel the chills and power it gives you!

  • Continue the practices. If you find any of the practices in the devotional helpful to you, ❶ thank God for it ❷ continue to do it ❸ encourage someone to do it ❹ bring it to your church community

    • Smile and breathe. Just take a minute or so to recenter yourself and find peace in Him.

    • Two-way journaling. This practice is invaluable in growing my intimacy with God, and in seeking His comfort or counsel. This is why I included it in the devotional, and I hope you would continue this practice.

    • Declaration. For every challenge I face, I write myself a faith-filled declaration. It can be based on the names or attributes of God, it can be based on Bible promises. I include these declarations in my morning prayer.

  • Adopt this 30-day system. Make it a habit of acknowledging one attribute of God every day in a month and doing it every month. This way, you can keep track of how much you have grown in understanding and experiencing His specific attributes. This is actually what I have been doing for years, and I have set up a Google calendar to assist me, and I've made it available to the public.

  • Share it with someone. If you’ve benefited from this devotional, consider sharing your favourite post(s) or the entire devotional (HE) with someone.

  • Own a piece of my work. Like a particular piece of artwork you saw? You can now purchase high-resolution digital files from [SHOP]. Print it. Frame it. Display it.

  • Tell me your thoughts. To help me serve His kingdom better, please share your thoughts, comments, suggestions, or testimonies with me. You can write to

Regarding my music. I’m beyond thankful that many of you have shown interest in the music I created for this devotional. My plan is to rework the audio quality of the pieces, and then put together a playlist so people may listen to the music continuously during their quiet time in the future.

Thanks for reading to the very end, you are beyond amazing! I pray that you’ll radiate His love and all His goodness wherever you go.


HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 30 | ADONAI ORI | The LORD My Light


DAY 30 | ADONAI ORI | The LORD My Light

DAY 30 | The LORD My Light

Adonai Ori (The Lord My Light) and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

Psalm 27:1

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה אוֹרִֽי

photography by Jan Huber / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD My Light, I exalt You. In the very beginning, You spoke light into existence. Your light powers all life processes. Your light reveals deep and hidden things. Even in the pitch dark, You see everything clearly.

Thank You for carrying me through my darkest days and being my guiding light. Thank You that one day Your people will no longer need the light of the sun and the moon, for Your glory will forever illuminate us.

Please forgive my sins committed in darkness, though hidden from others, nothing escapes Your sight.

Illuminate my path as I follow You, and make me Your light-bearer. Send me wherever Your light and hope are needed.

Because You are the LORD My Light, I declare that I have stepped out of darkness into Your marvellous light. I am the light of the world, and through my life, people will see you and give glory to You.

A few facts…

  • In Hebrew, the word for light is ohr (אוֹר), and it carries a deeper meaning beyond mere "illumination." It encompasses the concept of "bringing order to something chaotic." Therefore, when God proclaimed, "let there be light," He intended not only to bring illumination, but also to bring order to the formless world.

  • Adonai Ori (יְהוָה אוֹרִֽי) originates from Psalm 27, written by David. In this psalm, David showcased unwavering faith by acknowledging God as his light and salvation amidst a time of turmoil. Interestingly, David's men also referred to him as "the light of Israel" in 2 Samuel 21:17.


Quiet your heart in His presence, letting go of all distractions. Sit comfortably, perhaps doing some stretches to relax your body and mind.

Smile, for your light has come, and the radiance of His face shines upon you.

Take a deep breath through your nose, filling your abdomen. Let His light enter your life, bringing order to chaos.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, thanking Him that everything illuminated becomes a light. (Ephesians 5:13)

Exhale slowly through your mouth, imagining this breath carrying away any darkness or negative emotions within you.

You can repeat this cycle, allowing each breath to be deeper and calmer, drawing your spirit closer to His eternal light.

Exercise 1:


Open a fresh page in your journal, and let the words flow toward The LORD Your Light. Embrace the presence of the Holy Spirit as He journeys through the depths of your heart, leading your hand across the page. Capture the essence of your profound conversation with Him.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / the LORD My Light, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Praising Him is always a great way to start

    • Tell Him what “light” means to you

    • Tell Him how you’ve experienced His light in your life

    • Describe the darkness (or light) you see in the world, in your community, or in yourself, and ask Him to show you what He sees

    • Simply ask Him to show you one thing you can do to shine His light today

    Check out APPENDIX 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The Lord Your Light. How does this truth impact the way you live? In your journal, write a personal declaration that resonates with you and your current situation.

Because You are The LORD My Light, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Utter it aloud, directing your words to Him and yourself. Feel the surge of faith building within you as you echo it repeatedly, infusing each repetition with resolute assurance. Remember, the tongue holds the authority to shape life or bring about its end, and those who nurture it shall savor its harvest (Proverbs 18:21). Your words carry immense power, and through your declaration, they shall find their place and shape your reality.

You've crossed the finish line! Day 30 marks the grand finale of your remarkable adventure with HE. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Father for leading you to this point and for the awe-inspiring work He has done throughout these 30 days. It has been an absolute joy to accompany you on this adventure!

On this final day, my prayer is that nothing can obscure or dampen the brilliance of the light shining through you. This light encompasses the entire spectrum of God's divine attributes.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 29 | ADONAI TSEVA'OT | The LORD of Heaven's Armies


DAY 29 | ADONAI TSEVA'OT | The LORD of Heaven's Armies

DAY 29 | The LORD of Heaven’s Armies

David told the Philistine, “You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of Adonai Tseva’ot (the LORD of Heaven’s Armies), the God of the army of Israel, whom you have insulted.

1 Sam 17:45

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת

photography by Barth Bailey / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD of Heaven's Armies, I praise You for Your sovereignty over every power in earthly and spiritual realms. There are innumerable armies of angels at Your disposal. All creation moves at Your command and serves Your purpose.

Thank You for the power in me that is always greater than the power in the world. You never stop working in my life. You send Your mighty armies to protect me and to fight for me.

Forgive me when I am engulfed in fear and despair as if You were absent, powerless, or uninterested in my struggles. Forgive me when I forget that the battles are Yours, and I just need to be still.

Grant me wisdom to choose my battles and faith to allow You to fight for me.

Because You are the LORD of Heaven's Armies, I declare that there is no real threat in my life, for I am securely protected by an invincible power.

A few facts…

  • Various English translations yield various renderings and meanings of Adonai Tseva’ot (יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת), such as "the God of the Angel Armies”, "the LORD of Armies”, "the LORD of Hosts", "the LORD of the Heaven's Armies”, "the LORD of Powers”, and "LORD Almighty”. This name highlights God's abundant resources and mighty power.

  • Tsava or tzava (צָבָא) refers to a large organized army. This term is frequently used in the Bible to describe God's angelic armies. In modern times, it also refers to the Israel Defense Forces. Tzava’ot (צְבָאוֹת) is its plural form, meaning multiple armies.

  • The term "Adonai Tseva’ot" appeared 235 times in the Bible. Two notable events where it is highlighted are as follows:

    • Hannah, who was deeply troubled by her barrenness, cried out to God by this name (1 Samuel 1:11).

    • When a young David stepped up to face Goliath, he declared that he came in the name of Adonai Tseva’ot (1 Sam 17:45).


Find a quiet space to encounter Him, making yourself comfortable and relaxing your neck and shoulders.

Smile, for He will fight for you, you need only to be still... (Exodus 14:14)

Inhale slowly through your nose, imagining this "Warrior God" leading countless legions of angels, fighting for you!

Hold your breath for a moment, celebrating His victories and cheering for His triumph in your life.

Exhale slowly through your mouth, taking a bit longer than the inhale, releasing feelings of fighting alone, helplessness, or fear of failure.

Repeat several times, trying to deepen your breath with each cycle.

Exercise 1:


Today we will write to the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. Imagine the symphony of celestial forces at His disposal, ready to accomplish His divine will. What words or queries do you wish to express to Him? Let us invite the Holy Spirit to direct us into a profound and meaningful conversation. Stay attuned to His response, and pen down what you receive in the spirit.

[Part 1]

Dear Father, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Describe to Him the time you felt His armies at work in your life

    • Describe to Him the time you really didn’t see or felt Him fight your battles

    • The LORD of Hosts has inexhaustible resources at His disposal. Tell Him what you need to win your battles, and listen to His response

    • Do you constantly feel that you’re fighting multiple battles all by yourself? Tell Him your experience and how you feel, and ask Him how to partner with Him

    Check out APPENDIX 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is the LORD of Heaven's Armies. He has limitless resources. Nothing is beyond His control or capability. How does this truth impact the way you live? Take a moment to craft a declaration that aligns with your present circumstances.

Because You are the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Feel the power of your faith surge as you vocalize your declaration to both Him and yourself. Enunciate each syllable deliberately, infusing it with absolute certainty. These are simple steps to renew and rewire your mind, positioning you for triumph.

Day 29 of HE draws to a close. I echo Elisha's prayer for his servant upon you. May the Lord open your eyes to behold the mighty army that surrounds you, ensuring that you outnumber the enemy (2 Kings 6:16-17). Embrace this divine truth and step boldly into God's reality!


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 28 | ADONAI ROPH'EKHA | The LORD Who Heals You


DAY 28 | ADONAI ROPH'EKHA | The LORD Who Heals You

DAY 28 | The LORD Who Heals You

He said, “If you will listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what he considers right, if you pay attention to his commands and obey all his laws, I will never make you suffer any of the diseases I made the Egyptians suffer, because I am Adonai Roph’ekha (The LORD Who Heals You).

Exodus 15:26

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה רֹפְאֶ֥ךָ

photography by Yousef Espanioly / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD Who Heals Me, I praise You for the power and authority to create, destroy, restore, and resurrect lives, all in Your mighty hand.

Thank You that I am alive and well. Thank You for the miracles of healing in biblical times and nowadays. They reveal not only Your supernatural power, but also Your love and mercy.

Forgive me for neglecting to stay healthy and fit. Forgive me when I doubt Your ability or willingness to heal me or my loved ones.

Lord, make me an excellent steward of my well-being. Grant me wisdom and determination to always maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle and a joyful heart. Heal me of my physical, spiritual, and emotional sickness. Restore me to Your perfect design.

Because You are The LORD Who Heals Me, I declare that I am healed and made whole.

A few facts…

  • Adonai (YHWH, Yahweh, or Jehovah)Roph'ekha (Rophecha or Rofe'ekha) refers to the same title of God: יְהוָה רֹפְאֶ֥ךָ, which means "The LORD Who Heals You”.

  • Two of the Hebrew terms related to healing:

    • Rophe (רוֹפֵא) means "healer" or "physician," commonly used to describe God's attribute as a healer.

    • Rapha (רָפָא) means "healing" or "to make healthy," typically used as a verb to denote God's action of healing.

  • After three days of wandering in the wilderness, the Israelites were in urgent need of water. They found a river, but the water was too bitter to drink. God instructed Moses to throw a piece of wood into the water, purifying it and making it drinkable. Following this miracle, God declared Himself as Adonai Rophe'ekha. (Exodus 15:22-26)


In a quiet and comfortable place, sit up straight, and release the tension in your neck, shoulders, and jaw.

Smile, for our Heavenly Father is omnipotent, and there is no illness He cannot heal. "Incurable" is merely an earthly term and concept.

Inhale slowly and gently, imagining yourself receiving His healing as you breathe in, first filling the lower part of your lungs, then the upper part.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, praising Him for His power to fully restore body, mind, and soul.

Exhale slightly slower than you inhaled, surrendering all your illnesses, discomforts, or weaknesses to Him.

Feel free to repeat these steps as needed to relax yourself.

Exercise 1:


Today, we will address our words to the LORD Who Heals You. Take a moment to reflect on what you would like to share with Him or seek His guidance on. Let us open ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we embark on this journey. Document your experience in your journal, capturing the profound insights and revelations that may unfold.

[Part 1]

Dear Father, the LORD Who Heals me

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Thank Him for your health or for healing you

    • Talk to Him about how you are taking care of your physical, emotional, or spiritual health

    • Ask Him how He wants you to take better care of your health

    • Are you supporting or taking care of someone who has a chronic condition? Talk to Him about your journey

    • Talk to Him about any physical or emotional health issues you (or your loved ones) are struggling with. Be truthful and real, pour out all your fears, worries, anger, disappointment, shame, etc. He definitely wants to meet you there.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is the LORD Who Heals You. He can heal your body, mind, and soul. How do you integrate this truth into your everyday life? Craft your personal declaration that resonates with your current situation.

Because You are the LORD Who Heals Me, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Recite your declaration out loud to Him and to yourself. Repeat it a few times to strengthen your faith. Your faith can stir His heart and give you access to the impossible. Declare it as if it's already yours. "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24)

Thank you for joining me on Day 28 of HE. As we close, I want to declare that you are healthy and strong, both physically and spiritually, in accordance with John's prayer in 3 John 1:2.



My testimony. In 2021, our Heavenly Father graciously and miraculously healed me of an “incurable disease” that I’d been battling for over 20 years! I’m thankful to be chosen to testify of His love and healing power in such a visible way.

[view my testimony: Not An Instant Miracle]

Healing scriptures to declare. Let’s rewind a bit to the days when I wasn’t healed yet. During a severe flare-up in 2020, I began to declare a list of scriptures whenever I felt physically terrible or spiritually weak. God's Word is an inexhaustible source of power, I felt His strength and His peace every time I read them aloud. Currently, I am declaring these scriptures every day with a friend who is battling cancer, it really keeps her faith strong and I can see her glowing with joy and hope when we declare God’s truth together.

[view Scripture-Based Healing Declarations]

*Just to be clear, God's word is not a magic spell for miracles. It’s the child-like faith He sees through our declarations that pleases Him and moves His heart.*

If you deem it appropriate, please share my testimony and/or Scripture-Based Healing Declarations with someone who may benefit from these resources.

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 27 | ADONAI TSIDKENU | The LORD Our Righteousness


DAY 27 | ADONAI TSIDKENU | The LORD Our Righteousness

DAY 27 | The LORD Our Righteousness

In his lifetime, Judah will be saved, and Israel will live in safety. This is the name that he will be given Adonai Tsidkenu (The LORD Our Righteousness).

Jeremiah 23:6

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה צִדְקֵנוּ

photography by Stephen Leonardi / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD my Righteousness, You deserve my highest praise. No man is righteous according to Your standards, but only through Jesus, the unblemished sacrifice, do all believers have the right standing before You.

My heart overflows with gratitude when I think of the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Christ is my righteousness. Nothing, whether it's my sins or my good deeds, can diminish or increase it.

Forgive me for trying to achieve or rely on my own righteousness.

Show me how to rest in Your righteousness, Jesus. Help me impart Your liberating truth to the weary ones who strive in vain for their justification.

Because You are the LORD my Righteousness, I declare that I am forever justified and made right with You, once and for all, by grace through faith.

A few facts…

  • Adonai Tsidkenu, Yahweh Tsidqenu, and Jehovah Tsidkenu all refer to the same divine title יְהוָה צִדְקֵנוּ, but are written in different ways.

  • Adonai Tsidkenu is commonly translated as "The LORD (is) Our Righteousness," although other translations include "The LORD Gives Justice," "The LORD Our Salvation," and "the Lord our Just One."

  • Adonai Tsidkenu is seen as a Messianic title, pointing to Jesus Christ as the ultimate fulfillment of God's righteousness. In Jeremiah 23, God admonished the leaders who scattered His flock and then made a promise to raise up a "righteous Branch" (referring to Jesus), a King who would bring restoration and be known as "The LORD Our Righteousness."

  • Righteousness is simply "right standing with God" - the condition of being in a right relationship with the Lord. This can only be achieved through complete faith and dependence on Christ.


Find a quiet space and minimize any distractions. Sit up straight, allowing your shoulders, neck, and jaw to relax.

No matter how you feel right now, take a moment to smile with me.

As you smile, imagine your tattered garments being removed, and Jesus has clothed you with a robe of righteousness.

Gently inhale through your nose, filling your lower abdomen, and focus on the righteousness found only in Jesus.

Hold your breath for a few moments, savoring the privilege of standing in His righteousness.

Now, exhale slowly and fully, releasing the weariness of striving to be good, the fatigue of doing good deeds, and the thoughts of "I am never enough." Surrender these burdens as you let them go.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) This is His invitation to you.

Exercise 1:


Begin a new page in your journal and prepare to write to The LORD Your Righteousness. Whether you find yourself grappling with righteousness or encountering someone who exhibits self-righteousness, take this opportunity to pour out your thoughts and experiences to God. Invite Him to guide you through your thoughts and inner world. Remain open to His response, transforming your monologue into a meaningful dialogue. Let us seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we engage in this journaling experience.

[Part 1]

Dear LORD My Righteousness, …

[Part 2]

Dear (your name), …

  • • Thank Him for the gift of righteousness (it’s a gift, not a reward that you need to earn)

    • Do you feel like you’re forever missing the mark? Are you preoccupied with earning approval from God or someone? Have you been trying to prove your righteousness? You may write about these strivings

    • Are you struggling with your own self-righteousness? or trying to deal with someone who’s being self-righteous? Process your struggles before God

    • You may ask Him how to actually rest in His righteousness.

Exercise 2:


The belief system we embrace shapes the direction of our lives. Therefore, we must guard our thoughts with utmost vigilance. In this section, we focus on nourishing our minds with faith-filled, God-honoring truths, allowing us to reframe our perspectives and empower ourselves to walk in His reality.

He is The LORD Your Righteousness. Your right standing before God is a gift, not something you can earn. How does this truth impact your daily life? Take a moment to reflect and craft your declaration in your journal.

Because You are The LORD My Righteousness, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Now, read your declaration aloud, addressing both God and yourself. Repeat it multiple times with certainty, gratitude, and joy, as though it is already manifesting in your life.

This marks the end of Day 27 of HE. On this day, I pray that you will accept Jesus' invitation to celebrate His finished work on the cross and find rest in His righteousness.


**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 26 | ELOAH SELICHOT | God of Forgiveness


DAY 26 | ELOAH SELICHOT | God of Forgiveness

DAY 26 | God of Forgiveness

They refused to obey and did not remember the miracles you had done for them. Instead, they became stubborn and appointed a leader to take them back to their slavery in Egypt. But you are a Eloah Selichot (God of Forgiveness), gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love. You did not abandon them.

Nehemiah 9:17

Pronunciation Reference: אֱלוֹהַּ סְלִיח֖וֹת

photography by Brittney Weng / calligraphy by Rita Ip



God of Forgiveness, I come to You with reverence. Your love is so profound that it covers all the sins mankind has ever committed. You never lower Your standards, but You are ever willing and ready to forgive.

Jesus, thank You for personally demonstrating love and forgiveness on the cross. Holy Spirit, thank You for granting me courage, humility, and determination to ask for forgiveness and to repent from my sins.

Forgive me for refusing to respond to Your conviction, for abusing Your ever-forgiving nature, and for harboring unforgiveness.

Father, examine my heart, reveal to me anything that offends You. Teach me to confess and repent immediately. Enable me to forgive and release those who have wronged me; help me restore them back to a place of honor.

Because You are the Forgiving God, I declare I choose to turn to You instead of handling guilt myself. I choose to forgive quickly and completely. I walk in Your grace and freedom.

A few facts…

  • Eloah Selichot (אֱלוֹהַּ סְלִיח֖וֹת) is commonly translated as "God of forgiveness" or "forgiving God”. Other translations include "God ready to pardon”, "God ready to forgive”, and "God who forgives”.

  • The term Eloah (אֱלוֹהַּ) refers to God in the singular form and is derived from Elohim (אֱלֹהִים). It is predominantly found in biblical poetry, particularly in the poetry of Job.

  • In Jewish culture, the word Selichot (סְלִיחוֹת) also denotes special prayers for forgiveness. The recitation of Selichot prayers is a significant part of the Jewish High Holy Days, particularly in the days leading up to Yom Kippur (יוֹם כִּפּוּר), the Day of Atonement. This period is known as Aseret Yemei Teshuvah (עֲשֶׂרֶת יְמֵי תְּשׁוּבָה), the Ten Days of Repentance.


In a quiet place, sit down comfortably. Relax your shoulders, neck, and jaw.

Smile, for there is a grace in this world called forgiveness.

Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your abdomen. Imagine the Father's abundant grace, His boundless capacity for forgiveness knows no limits.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, picturing how far the east is from the west, how far He has removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:12)

Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any unforgiveness, guilt, or heaviness to Him.

Exercise 1:


Step into this moment and address your words to the God of Forgiveness. Let's invite the Holy Spirit and allow Him to take you where He wants you to experience spiritual freedom today. Release your thoughts, desires, and doubts as you explore this profound connection. Surrender to the divine flow and capture the conversation that unfolds between you and Him.

[Part 1]

Dear God of Forgiveness, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Recount your experience of being forgiven or having forgiven someone.

    • Ask God to “search your heart” and reveal issues that He wants you to process today:
    … He may show you something you need to repent of
    … He may want you to forgive someone, yourself, or to reconcile with Him

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is the God of Forgiveness. He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in unfailing love. How does this impact your daily life? Take a moment to reflect and write a personalized declaration in your journal.

Because You are God of Forgiveness, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Recite your declaration with confidence and eagerness, repeating it until it becomes ingrained in your mind and heart. Believe with every fibre of your being, remembering that we walk by faith, not by sight. Through this practice, we position ourselves to tap into God's reality.

As Day 26 of HE comes to a close, my prayer for you is that by His grace and power, you can and you will forgive others immediately and completely just as you have been forgiven.



If you need some guidance in forgiving others in a deeper and more thorough way, I recommend using the FRESH START guide to process your heart issues. It’s Bible-based, straightforward, and easy to follow. It’s definitely a good place to start.

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 25 | AVI'AD | Everlasting Father


DAY 25 | AVI'AD | Everlasting Father

DAY 25 | Everlasting Father

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Avi’ad (Everlasting Father), Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

Pronunciation Reference: אֲבִיעַ֖ד

Photography by Hu Chen / Calligraphy by Rita Ip



My Everlasting Father in heaven, I love You. You are Father to the fatherless, and You are the only perfect Father. You are never distant, absent, or apathetic.

Thank You for Your welcoming embrace and for the right to be Your child and co-heir with Christ, so I may cry out, "Abba Father."

Forgive me when I am like the prodigal son who wanders and squanders what his father has given him. Forgive me also when I am like the other son who resents his father for blessing the undeserving. Forgive me for not understanding Your heart.

I desperately need a greater revelation of Your Fatherly love; I genuinely want to love You the way Jesus does and to have true intimacy with You.

Because You are my Everlasting Father, I declare I am Your child, eternally and unconditionally loved and accepted.

A few facts…

  • Avi'ad (אֲבִיעַ֖ד) combines the root ad (עַד) meaning "eternal" or "forever" with the root av (אָב) meaning "father”.

  • Avi'ad, found in Isaiah 9:6, is a component of a fourfold prophetic name attributed to Jesus. This Messianic prophecy foretells the birth of Jesus and emphasizes His divine nature and eternal reign as the Messiah.

  • While the Bible often refers to Jesus as the Son of God, Isaiah 9:6 reveals a deeper nature, depicting Him as the "Everlasting Father." This highlights His transcendence beyond the familiar role of a son, embodying paternal qualities. Jesus embodies both the aspects of "son" and "father."

  • Avi'ad is commonly translated as "Everlasting Father" or "Eternal Father," and in some versions as "Father of Eternity" or "My Father of Eternity“.


In a quiet space, find a comfortable seat. Take a moment to stretch, releasing muscle tension.

Smile, knowing the perfect Father loves you deeply and fully accepts you.

Inhale deeply through your nose, as if drawing in His love, feeling your abdomen expand.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, savoring this beautiful moment in His presence.

Gently exhale through your mouth, releasing any feelings of loneliness, of not being loved, or not being appreciated.

Repeat as desired, aiming for deeper breaths each time.

Exercise 1:


Today, we will write to our Everlasting Father, and I have a special assignment for you. Please watch the following video “Father’s Love Letter”* (text version is also available), then write your response to Him in your journal. Let’s pray for a deep fellowship with Him guided by the Holy Spirit. Have a blessed time receiving and responding to His Fatherly love!

[*Father's Love Letter is a compilation of Bible verses from both the Old & New Testaments that are presented in the form of a love letter.]

used by permission | Father Heart Communications | ©1999

Exercise 2:


He is your Everlasting Father, the perfect Father who loves you dearly and unconditionally. How does this relate to the way you live today? Inscribe a declaration that resonates with your unique situation.

Because You are my Everlasting Father, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Recite this declaration several times, directing your words to the Father and to the depths of your own soul. Allow each repetition to strengthen your conviction. Let your heart resound with a resolute Amen. Discipline yourself to see through the lens of faith, immersing yourself in the reality that God has ordained for you.

As we conclude Day 25 of HE, my prayer for you is that regardless of the hardships you've faced in life, may you experience the restoration of your childlike heart, finding genuine joy in the loving embrace of the Father.


**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 24 | EL EMET | God of Truth


DAY 24 | EL EMET | God of Truth

DAY 24 | God of Truth

Into your hands I entrust my spirit. You have rescued me, O the LORD, El Emet (God of Truth).

Psalm 31:5

Pronunciation Reference: אֵל אֱמֶת

photography by Christina Deravedisian / calligraphy by Rita Ip



God of Truth, I exalt Your name. There are many voices and many points of view, but there is only one Truth. Your truth is absolute, pure, liberating, and powerful.

Thank You for the Truth embodied, revealed, and made known to mankind through Jesus. Thank You for the freedom, the privilege, and the ability to read and study Your Word.

Forgive me when I neglect the importance of Your Word and when I allow the secular world to shape my thoughts and behaviors.

Give me an insatiable hunger for Your truth. Never let me stop seeking it. Never let me think I already know enough of it. Give me the ability to discern and expose lies and distorted truths. Enable me to stand up for You when the world rejects absolute truth, and people craft their customized versions of the truth to fit their preferences.

Because You are the God of Truth, I declare that I submit myself to live according to Your Word. Your truth will purify me and set me free.

A few facts…

  • El Emet (אֵל אֱמֶת) is usually translated as "God of Faithfulness" or "God of Truth”, and sometimes as "God of Truth and Faithfulness".

  • The Hebrew word emet (אֱמֶת), meaning truth, comes from the root word aman (אָמַן), a verb meaning to support or make firm, and is also the root of the word amen (אָמֵן).

  • The word emet (אֱמֶת), which means truth, consists of the first, middle, and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet: aleph (א‎‎), mem (מ‎), and tav (ת‎). This arrangement indicates that truth encompasses all things and endures from the beginning to the end.

  • "The Seal of God is truth." Rabbinic sages called emet "the seal of God" because the final letters of the three words that conclude the account of creation in Genesis 2:3 spell the word emet. Sages believe that God placed His Name, emet (אֱמֶת), meaning truth, in the opening chapters of the Torah, emphasizing the significance of truth as a divine attribute.


Prepare yourself to meet Him in a quiet space, relaxing your neck, shoulders, and back.

Smile, amidst this world brimming with information and opinions, His truth is your compass.

Inhale through your nose, envision deeply inhaling His truth.

Hold for a few seconds, pause, acknowledging His enduring truth, tested by time.

Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing to Him all falsehoods, half-truths, and lies.

Repeat as needed, taking deeper breaths each time than the last.

Exercise 1:


Today, let's take a moment to write to the God of Truth. How has His truth impacted and transformed you? Reflect on your experiences and share them with Him. Open your heart to the Holy Spirit's guidance, allowing Him to lead you into a meaningful conversation. As the dialogue unfolds, document it in your journal, capturing the essence of your connection.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / God of Truth, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Recount your personal experiences with His truth, e.g. how has He enlightened, encouraged, comforted, healed, or corrected you

    • Ask Him to reveal anything that is hindering you from receiving, agreeing with, growing in, or living out His Word

    • Tell Him about what you want to be free from

    • Ask Him to reveal the lies that you’ve been believing in

    • Is there any hard-to-swallow Bible verse or truth you want to talk over with Him?

    • Are you in a situation where you are struggling to stand up for Him? Talk to Him about it

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is God of Truth. He is the truth, and His truth remains constant. How does this truth shape your approach to life today? Craft a concise and personal declaration that resonates with your present circumstances.

Because You are God of Truth, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak your declaration aloud, with deliberate conviction. Reiterate it several times. "Take your thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). Be diligent in fostering a godly mindset, so that the enemy cannot manipulate you with his deceitful tactics.

As Day 24 of HE draws to a close, I am deeply grateful for your presence. Today, my prayer is that you may truly immerse yourself in the transformative and liberating power of His truth.


**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 23 | EL QANNA |  Jealous God


DAY 23 | EL QANNA | Jealous God

DAY 23 | Jealous God

Never worship any other god, because Yahweh is El Qanna (Jealous God). In fact, He is known for not tolerating rivals.

Exodus 34:14

Pronunciation Reference: אֵל קַנָּא

photography by Maxim Tajer / calligraphy by Rita Ip



I praise You, for You are a Jealous God. This unique name helps me realize that I am zealously loved and cherished by You. Your covenant love demands exclusive loyalty, and unfaithfulness is utterly intolerable.

Thank You for establishing a covenant with me, sealed by the precious blood of Jesus. You are consistently faithful and true to me, always patiently drawing me back to You when I stray.

Forgive me for being unaware of how deeply it actually hurts You each time I go after something other than You.

Circumcise my heart so that I can love You with all my soul and strength. Cultivate within me an undivided devotion to You.

Because You are a Jealous God, I solemnly declare my commitment to keeping Your covenant of love.

A few facts…

  • The term Qanna or Kana (קַנָּא) signifies a state of jealousy or zeal. It is an adjective derived from the Hebrew feminine noun Qinah (קִנְאָה), which encompasses ardour (a strong feeling of energy or eagerness), zeal, or jealousy.

  • God has entered into a covenant of love with His people, repeatedly comparing it to a marriage. He demands exclusive faithfulness and loyalty from His covenant people because He is zealous and passionately committed to ensuring the very best for His loved ones, unwilling to see them destroyed by idolatry.

  • Illustrations of other Biblical figures who exemplified godly jealousy include Phinehas(Numbers 25), David (Psalm 69:9), Elijah (1 Kings 19:10–14), Jesus (John 2:13–17), and Paul (2 Corinthians 11:1–4).


In a quiet place, grab your favorite drink. Sit comfortably, slow your breath, and let your muscles unwind.

Smile, for He loves you with a burning love!

Inhale gently, picturing His love as a radiant flame.

Pause for a moment, feeling His fire cleanse your heart, removing impurities.

Exhale slightly longer than your inhale, slowly releasing all that hinders you from Him – people, things, or thoughts.

Exercise 1:


Today, we will engage in a written conversation with the Jealous God. I find this title of God particularly intriguing, and I hope that through this exercise, you will be guided by the Holy Spirit into a profound and meaningful dialogue with Him. Take the time to attentively listen to His response, and document the conversation.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / Jealous God

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Tell Him what you think of your relationship with Him

    • Take this opportunity to renew your covenant of love with Him (check out Wesleyan Covenant Prayer, you may express it in your own words)

    • Describe your personal experience of “His jealousy” if you have any

    • Ask Him to reveal anything in your life that provokes His jealousy

    • Tell Him about what makes you jealous, process your thoughts and feelings with Him.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is the Jealous God, He passionately desires your unwavering devotion. How does this resonate with your daily life? Take a moment to reflect and record your personal declaration.

Because You are the Jealous God, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak your declaration aloud, both to Him and yourself. Repeat it until it deeply resonates within your heart. Consistently practicing this will gradually transform your declarations into your lived reality.

Day 23 of HE has come to a close. As we conclude today, my prayer is that the One who initiated this covenant of love will nurture within you a wholehearted dedication to Him.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 22 | ELOHEI TEHILLATI |  God of My Praise


DAY 22 | ELOHEI TEHILLATI | God of My Praise

DAY 22 | God of My Praise

O Elohei Tehillati (God of My Praise), don’t stand silent and aloof.

Psalm 109:1

Pronunciation Reference: אֱלֹהֵי תְהִלָּתִי

photography by Andy Holmes / calligraphy by Rita Ip



God of my praise, I adore You with all that I am. Your beauty captivates my heart, and Your loving gaze melts my pride. You are worthy of my utmost devotion.

Thank You for filling me with unspeakable joy and deep satisfaction when I offer You my heartfelt praises. Thank You for every divine encounter that makes me thirst for more of You.

Forgive me when I give You half-hearted, distracted, or convenient worship. Forgive me when impure motives taint my worship or when it is weather-dependent.

Teach me to worship You in spirit and truth. Only You can make me the true worshipper You are looking for.

Because You are the God of My Praise, I declare I am created to offer You ceaseless worship from the core of my being, my lifelong response to Your unchanging greatness.

A few facts…

  • When David in Psalm 109 called God Elohei Tehillati (אֱלֹהֵי תְהִלָּתִי), meaning "God of my praise“, it was an expression of his desperate cry for deliverance from his adversaries. David consistently referred to God by this title, even in times when God seemed silent when he faced unjust accusations, and when people repaid his good deeds with evil.

  • The Hebrew word tehillati (תְהִלָּתִי) originates from the root halal (הַלְלֵֽי), which conveys the meaning of "praise" and connotes a deep sense of gratitude. Similarly, the term Hallelujah (Hallelu Yah) is also derived from the Hebrew root halal and carries the significance of "praise Yahweh" or "praise the Lord. Hallelu means "praise," while Yah is a shortened form of "Yahweh."

  • In Hebrew, the Book of Psalms is known as Tehillim (תְהִלִּים) which translates to "praises" or "songs of praise".


In a quiet space, sit comfortably and relax your neck and shoulders.

Smile, for He delights and dwells in your praise.

Breathe gently and deeply, contemplating His beauty and fullness, allowing the air to fill your lower abdomen.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, marveling at His unchanging goodness.

Exhale for a longer duration than your inhale, releasing your burdens to Him.

Exercise 1:


I appreciate your commitment to dedicating time to magnify His name alongside me. It's important for you to recognize that a fulfilling journaling experience doesn't demand a significant amount of your time. Even a few minutes spent journaling with God can be enriching and satisfying for your soul.

Open a fresh page in your journal and direct your words to God of Your Praise. Let us engage in prayer and discover the path that the Holy Spirit is guiding you on today. Pen down your conversation with Him, capturing the essence of your connection.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / God of My Praise, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Dedicate this journal entry solely to praising Him

    • Describe to Him one of your memorable worship experiences

    • Tell Him about your struggles with praising Him

    • Ask Him about the kind of praises He wants from you

    • Have you ever asked Him about His favorite worship song or music of all time?

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is the God of Our Praise, unaffected by our circumstances and emotions. His worth remains constant, always deserving of our adoration. How does this truth impact the way you live? Craft a simple declaration that resonates with you.

Because You are God of My Praise, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Recite your declaration aloud, addressing both Him and yourself. Repeat it several times, with conviction and strength. A declaration filled with faith has the power to send shivers down your spine. Consider reading it every morning or before bedtime to ensure it remains at the forefront of your mind. This practice can assist in renewing your mindset and nurturing a heart that is in harmony with God's truth.

Day 22 of HE comes to a close. As we conclude, my prayer for you is that amidst life's highs and lows, He always fills your heart with songs of praise.



Personal remarks. About 10 years ago, I came out of depression and I did so by persistently praising God. I understand it’s all by His love and grace that I am still alive and writing to you now. If you want to know how beautifully He carried me through my valley experience and what I got out of it, check out the following links:



Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 21 | MELECH HAKAVOD | The King of Glory


DAY 21 | MELECH HAKAVOD | The King of Glory

DAY 21 | The King of Glory

Who is Melech HaKavod (The King of glory)? The Lord of Heaven’s Armies—He is Melech HaKavod (The King of glory).

Psalm 24:10

Pronunciation Reference: מֶלֶךְ הַכָּבוֹד

photography by Nick Sheerbart / calligraphy by Rita Ip



King of Glory, enthroned in heavenly splendor, I praise You, recognizing that Your glory stands as the ultimate purpose of all things. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude, for through Jesus, I am granted a royal identity and the privilege to partake in Your eternal glory.

Forgive me for the moments when I have taken Your glory lightly, daring to steal it for myself, and seeking Your kingdom as a means to fulfill my own desires.

My King, I earnestly ask You to unveil my eyes to see Your beaming splendor in the ordinary moments of life. Ignite within me an unquenchable desire to glorify You. I eagerly anticipate the day when every creation in Your Kingdom unites in the worship of You.

Because You are my King of Glory, I declare I am Your glorious creation and I live to glorify You with every thought, every word, and every deed.

A few facts…

  • Melech HaKavod (מֶלֶךְ הַכָּבוֹד), "King of Glory," is derived from Psalm 24, believed to be penned by David during the entry of the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6).

  • In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for "glory" is kavod (כָּבוֹד), signifying "importance“, "weight“, "respect“ or "heaviness”, but primarily connoting "glory", "honor“, "dignity", and "majesty”.

  • In the New Testament, kavod is translated into the Greek word doxa (δόξα), meaning "opinion," "good reputation," and "honor." The term Doxology comes from doxologia, a compound of doxa (glory) and logos (word).

  • The glory of God is the infinite beauty and greatness of God’s manifold perfections. It is the manifest beauty of his holiness. It is the going-public of his holiness.” - John Piper


Prepare your favorite drink and find a quiet space. Sit upright, relax your shoulders, neck, and jaw.

Smile, for you are a child of the greatest king in the universe, who crowns you with glory and honor (Psalm 8:5).

Gently inhale through your nose, imagining yourself face to face with this king, His glory shining upon you.

Hold your breath for a moment, celebrating that you are entirely covered in His glory inside and out.

Exhale slowly, longer than your inhale, surrendering any shame, embarrassment, or regret completely to Him.

Exercise 1:


You may not have had the opportunity to correspond with a member of the royal family before, but today, I invite you to write a letter to The King of Glory. Take a moment to reflect on what you would like to express to your King. Let's invite the Holy Spirit to guide you in this endeavor. Find a quiet place, listen attentively to His promptings, and document your conversation with Him in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / The King of Glory, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Tell Him what you think of His glory or kingship

    • Tell Him what you think of being a child of the King

    • Ask Him what “the King of Glory” means

    • Ask Him to show you His glory, just as Moses did (Exodus 33:12–18)

    • Take this opportunity to process any of your shame, disgrace, or regrets

    • Based on the context of Psalm 24, you may write about how you celebrate the entrance of your Glorious King into your life, just as David welcomed the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem

    • Ask Him how exactly He wants you to glorify Him today or in this season of your life

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The King of Glory, the sovereign ruler whose dominion extends across the entirety of the universe, and commands unparalleled majesty and splendor. How does this truth impact your daily life? What would be the most fitting response to the King? Reflect and pen your own declaration.

Because You are the King of Glory, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Articulate your declaration audibly, directing it both to your King and to yourself. Speak deliberately and assuredly, without mumbling or faltering. Let the depths of your being resound with a resolute 'Amen.' Gracious words (in some versions: “the speech of the wise”, “well-ordered words”, “kind words”, and “pleasant words”) are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (Proverbs 16:24)

This marks the end of Day 21 in HE. Today, my prayer echoes the words of Jesus for all those who believe: Jesus has bestowed upon us the same glory that the Father bestowed upon Him, so that we may be united just as the Father and Jesus are (John 17:22).


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 20 | ISH MACH'OVOT | Man of Sorrows


DAY 20 | ISH MACH'OVOT | Man of Sorrows

DAY 20 | Man of Sorrows

He was despised and rejected by people. He was an Ish Mach’ovot (Man of Sorrows), familiar with suffering. He was despised like one from whom people turn their faces, and we didn’t consider him to be worth anything.

Isaiah 53:3

Pronunciation Reference: אִישׁ מַכְאֹבוֹת

photography by Pelly Benassi / calligraphy by Rita Ip



Man of Sorrows, I adore You. You left the heavenly splendor and died on the cross to show mankind what love is.

Thank You for Your love and undeserved suffering. You were rejected, accused, insulted, beaten, and crucified for undeserving ones like me.

Forgive me when I am numb to Your excruciating death on the cross and when my hardened heart does not respond to Your love and grace.

You know my weakness. You know how much I prefer an easy and comfortable life. Lord, please change my heart. I will take up my cross and share in Your suffering. Help me see the eternal purpose behind the pain.

Because You are the Man of Sorrows, I declare I will arm myself with the same attitude You had and be ready to suffer and endure hardship for You.

A few facts…

  • The prophecy of the Messiah recorded in Isaiah 53 depicts a suffering servant known as the "Man of Sorrows," Ish Mach’ovot (אִישׁ מַכְאֹבוֹת). Here, "sorrows" comes from the Hebrew word maḵ'ōḇ (מַכְאֹב), meaning pain, sorrow, and grief, encompassing both physical and emotional anguish.

  • The portrayal of the "Man of Sorrows" in Isaiah's prophecy vividly illustrates Christ's suffering.

  • The translation of Ish Mach’ovot often includes phrases such as "man of sorrows", "man of suffering", and occasionally "man of pains" in certain versions.


Find a quiet place, and sit down comfortably. Relax your neck, shoulders, and jaw.

Smile, for His love makes you worthy.

Slowly inhale through your nose, focusing your attention on His sacrificial love.

Pause in this moment, holding your breath for a few seconds, acknowledging that He forever understands and bears your pain.

Exhale slightly longer than your inhale, releasing all your sorrows onto the cross.

Exercise 1:


Today, we have the opportunity to address the Man of Sorrows in a heartfelt letter. Unlike the communal experience of meditating on His sacrifice during communion at church, where we are usually guided by a leader, this moment is unique. It is just you and Him in this intimate "secret place." What thoughts or questions would you like to share with the One who gave His life for you? Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to provide guidance as you pen your dialogue with Him.

[Part 1]

Dear Man of Sorrows, …

[Part 2]

Dear (your name), …

  • • Ask Jesus to walk you through the path to the cross

    • Tell Him your thoughts and feelings toward the way He sacrificed for you. Again, be truthful rather than nice

    • If you feel numb to Him and His sacrificial love, consider taking this opportunity to address it

    • If you feel led to process your own sorrows today, give yourself permission to do so. He never invalidates or trivializes your pain by comparing your pain with His

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


As the Man of Sorrows, He intimately understands pain and suffering. How does His nature connect with your present-day life? Write a simple declaration that holds personal significance.

Because You are the Man of Sorrows, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read your declaration aloud, allowing Him and yourself to hear those words repeatedly. Let them to penetrate deeply within you, taking root in your heart and mind.

Today marks the end of Day 20 of our remarkable journey, and we find ourselves two-thirds of the way there. I eagerly anticipate numerous heart-to-heart encounters with Him in the days to come. On this momentous day, my prayer is for you to realize that YOU are the reason He endured the cross, as stated in Hebrews 12:2, being "the joy that was set before Him."


**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 19 | EL EMUNAH | The Faithful God


DAY 19 | EL EMUNAH | The Faithful God

DAY 19 | The Faithful God

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is EL Hanne’eman (The Faithful God), keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.

Deuteronomy 7:9

Pronunciation Reference: אֵל הַנֶּאֱמָן

photography by Jacalyn Beales / calligraphy by Rita Ip



I honor You for the faithfulness You have shown throughout history. Every promise You make has either come true or will come true. I exalt You because You remain faithful to the end, even when I am faithless.

Thank You for the assurance of hope that comes from Your unfailing promises. Thank You for answering my prayers even when my faith grows very weak. Time and again, Your faithfulness is evident in my life.

Forgive me when I allow facts and circumstances to speak louder than Your truth and promises.

I need You, Lord. My life depends on Your faithfulness. Grant me unwavering faith in You, for it is impossible to please You without faith.

Because You are the Faithful God, I declare that I will live a faith-filled life. Boldly and expectantly, I will choose faith and live by Your promises.

A few facts…

  • El Hanne’eman (אֵל הַנֶּאֱמָן) is commonly translated as “Faithful God".

  • Hanne’eman (הַנֶּאֱמָן) comes from the Hebrew root n-’-m (נְאֵמָן), meaning "faithful" or "trustworthy." This term is used in the Hebrew Bible to describe God, emphasizing His loyalty and faithfulness.

  • There is another Hebrew term translated into English as "faithful God”, which is El Emunah (אֵל אֱמוּנָה) (see Deuteronomy 32:4). Emunah (אֱמוּנָה) comes from the verb aman (אָמַן), which means: believe, support, confirm, from which the word "Amen" derives.


In a quiet place, free from distractions. Sit up straight, rotate your shoulders and neck, release the tension in your muscles.

Smile, for even if we are unfaithful, He remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13)!

Slowly, deeply inhale, allowing your lower abdomen to expand. Honor His faithfulness; He is forever true to His word and promises.

Pause, hold your breath for a few seconds, recalling the prayers He has answered for you, and sincerely thank Him.

Exhale slightly longer than your inhale, surrendering all your struggles in faith to Him.

Exercise 1:


On a fresh page in your journal, take a moment to address The Faithful God. Engaging in a two-way journaling practice opens up a space for meaningful conversation with Him. Consider it a sacred space where you can freely express your deepest emotions, gain clarity about yourself or your circumstances, reshape your narrative in alignment with Him, and seek His guidance in formulating plans or finding solutions. As you dedicate time to listen to His response, capture the dialogue in writing. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to lead you on this journey.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / The Faithful God, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Recount the memorable experiences of His faithfulness in your life.

    • You may ask Him how you can experience His faithfulness at a whole new level.

    • Recount the time when you doubt His faithfulness or even think that He is not faithful.

    • If you are facing a challenge that really stretches your faith, consider laying it all out before Him.

    • Discuss your own faithfulness with Him. Ask Him how to grow this fruit of the Spirit.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The Faithful God, unwavering in keeping His promises and honoring His covenant of love. How does this truth shape your life today? Take a moment to reflect and pen a faith-filled declaration that resonates with your present circumstances.

Because You are The Faithful God, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak these words of faith audibly to both God and yourself. Engage in the practice of vocalizing these words until they flow effortlessly from your heart. If they do not yet feel entirely natural, recognize that you are still growing in your faith. Persevere in your practice, your faith will put a smile on His face.

Day 19 of HE has come to a close. On this day, I extend my prayers for a continuous upward spiral of faith in your life. Whenever you entrust your faith in Him, you will encounter His unwavering faithfulness, which, in turn, will fortify your faith in Him.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 18 | EL RACHUM | The Compassionate God


DAY 18 | EL RACHUM | The Compassionate God

DAY 18 | The Compassionate God

For the LORD your God is El Rachum (The Compassionate God). He will not abandon you, destroy you, or forget the promise to your ancestors that he swore he would keep.

Deuteronomy 4:31

Pronunciation Reference: אֵל רַחוּם

photography by Meric Dagli / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The Compassionate God, I praise You, for You are eternally filled and moved with compassion. You delight in showing mercy, drawing near to the brokenhearted, strengthening the weak, and refreshing the weary.

I am deeply grateful for Your redemption plan, as it serves as the ultimate expression of Your divine compassion.

Please forgive me if I ever abuse Your mercy or take it for granted. Forgive me when my heart becomes hardened and I withhold sympathy from others. Forgive me when I judge who does or doesn't deserve compassion based on my own terms.

Lord, I am living in a hurting world, surrounded by broken individuals. I pray that You would clothe me in genuine compassion, which goes beyond fleeting emotional responses and becomes a steadfast commitment to manifest Your love through my actions.

Because You are The Compassionate God, I declare that the same compassion that moved Jesus to die for the undeserving will also drive me to engage in acts of compassion.

A few facts…

  • El Rachum (אֵל רַחוּם) is commonly translated into English as "The Compassionate God" or "The Merciful God".

  • Rachum (רַחוּם) means "compassion" or "mercy". Its root is Racham (רחם), which means "womb", the organ in which a fetus is protected and nourished, symbolizing maternal care and fertility.

  • When the Bible uses El Rachum to describe God, it conveys a profound love that arises from a natural and innate bond, much like the love experienced during the process of childbirth.


In your quiet place, sit comfortably. Relax and welcome His presence.

Smile, His mercy flows like a river from the highest place into the lowest parts of your life.

Take a deep breath into your abdomen, imagining yourself receiving His grace and mercy.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, responding with gratitude to His mercy, which is not dependent on your performance or worth.

Slowly exhale from your mouth, taking longer than the inhale, releasing any brokenness or negative emotions from within.

Exercise 1:


Today, let us direct our thoughts and words toward The Compassionate God. What is in your heart that you would like to ask or tell Him? Let us pray that He will quiet your soul, drown out the noise around you, and guide you to His heart. Capture your conversation with Him in the pages of your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / The Compassionate God, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Recount your own experience of His compassion.

    • Talk to Him about situations or areas that need a touch or an outpouring of His compassion.

    • Ask Him how you may feel His compassion for yourself and others.

    • Ask Him to reveal to you someone who needs your act of kindness.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The Compassionate God, characterized by His patient nature and overflowing love. Consider the significance of this in your present life. Take a moment to reflect and pen your declaration in your journal.

Because You are The Compassionate God, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Once you have crafted your declaration, read it aloud to God and yourself. Repeat it several times, embracing each word with deliberation and certainty. Let your proclamation resound as if it were already a reality. Allow your heart to align with your declaration, moving beyond any doubts and firmly establishing yourself in a position of faith.

This completes Day 18 of HE. Thank you for joining me. Today, my heartfelt prayer is that His love and compassion will continuously touch, transform, and leave a lasting mark on your life.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 17 | EL ELYON | God Most High


DAY 17 | EL ELYON | God Most High

DAY 17 | God Most High

and he (Melchizedek) blessed Abram, saying,

“Blessed is El Elyon (God Most High) who has handed your enemies over to you.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

Genesis 14:19-20

Pronunciation Reference: אֵל עֶלְיוֹן

photography by Mads Schmidt / calligraphy by Rita Ip



God Most High, You are worthy of my highest and truest praise. Your unparalleled supremacy decimates my pride and self-sufficiency. Nothing and no one comes close to You. You alone are the ultimate recipient of all honor, glory, and power.

Thank You for the blood of Christ, through which I can be in a relationship with God Most High.

Forgive me for elevating anything higher than You, even the inherently good things in life. Forgive me when I pursue counterfeit or lesser gods who only offer empty promises.

Lord, only You can help me fully recognize and submit to Your sovereignty and authority over everything. Reign in every area of my life; You deserve the highest place of honor.

Because You are God Most High, I declare I fear nothing and no one but You alone.

A few facts…

  • El (אֵל) is the generic term for God, while the root of Elyon (עֶלְיוֹן) means "rising" and "high," signifying "the Most High" or "the Highest." Therefore, when combined, El Elyon (אֵל עֶלְיוֹן) emphasizes the majesty and supreme position of God, also interpretable as "the Ascended God".

  • The biblical mention of the name El Elyon occurs in relation to Melchizedek, a mysterious and timeless king of Salem and a priest of El Elyon. Melchizedek offered bread and wine to Abram, blessed him, and in return, Abram gave him a tenth of everything. (Genesis 14:18–20)


In a place where you can be quiet and alone, take a minute or two to stretch slightly, smile, and take a deep breath.

Smile, for He is exalted, yet always with you, walking by your side.

Inhale through your nose, imagining Him seated in the highest place.

Hold your breath for a moment, gently lifting your head to gaze upon Him.

Exhale slowly and gently through your mouth, releasing anything that weighs you down.

Exercise 1:


Take a moment to write to God Most High. Don't worry about your handwriting or writing skills; what matters most is the sincerity of your words. Posture your heart to listen for His response. As we become more open and receptive to Him, we allow Him to speak into our lives and bring about transformation. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to lead us into a deep and meaningful conversation, documenting it in our journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / God Most High, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Describe to Him an experience which convinced you of His supremacy over other gods/powers.

    • Describe to Him an experience which made you doubt His supremacy over other gods/powers.

    • Talk to Him about your problems with prioritizing Him.

    • Ask Him to reveal the “counterfeit gods” in your life that you may be unaware of, and how they affect your relationship with Him.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more journal prompts.

Exercise 2:


He is El Elyon, God Most High. His reign is absolute and all-encompassing. How does this profound truth shape the way you live today? Reflect upon it and pen down your declaration.

Because You are God Most High, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read your declaration out loud with power and intent. If He sees that you can/you will/you are, who are you to disagree with Him? Become your own cheerleader, affirming and motivating yourself. Repeat your declaration a few times to renew your mind and rewire your brain. Through this practice, you align yourself with His divine reality, a realm that transcends the understanding of the world.

This marks the end of Day 17 of HE. My prayer for you is that God Most High forever reigns supreme in the very core of your priorities.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 16 | The LORD My Rock

Adonai Tsuri (The LORD My Rock), my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

Psalm 18:2

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה צוּרִי

photography by Peter Forster / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD, my Rock, I give You praise for who You are. You are strong, solid, and permanent. You are my firm and unshakeable foundation.

Jesus, thank You for being my spiritual rock. In times of trouble, You hide me in the cleft of the rock. When I am weak, You lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Forgive me when I forget to look heavenward and turn to other places for my refuge and security. In a fast-changing and unsteady world, and amidst every storm, remind me of Your unchanging faithfulness and grant me unwavering faith.

Because You are the LORD, My Rock, I declare I will not be shaken. While all other ground is sinking sand, I will set my mind on You and my feet on the solid rock.

A few facts…

  • In Psalm 18:2, there are two similar expressions: "The LORD is my rock" and "my God is my rock." In the Hebrew original text, these two expressions use different words to represent "rock":

    • Sela' (סֶלַע) is usually translated as "cliff," emphasizing God as a refuge and protector.

    • Tsur (צוּר) is translated as "rock," with some English versions translating it as "strength," emphasizing God's power, endurance, and reliability.

  • Rocks provide shade, shelter, and security, and they are used to build altars, temples, houses, and walls. In the Bible, rocks also symbolize many important meanings, including several examples related to Jesus:

    • Jesus told the Pharisees that even if his disciples remained silent, the stones would cry out in praise. (See Luke 19:37-40)

    • The stone covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away, symbolizing his victory over death and resurrection. (See Matthew 28:2)

    • Paul pointed out that Christ was the "spiritual rock" that accompanied and supported the Israelites as they followed Moses out of Egypt. (See 1 Corinthians 10:1-4)


Please try to find a quiet space, or consider using headphones to block out noise. Sit up straight, open your chest, gently roll your shoulders, and relax the tense muscles in your neck and upper back.

Smile, for no matter how turbulent the world may be, you stand on an unshakable rock.

Breathe in gently through your nose, focusing on His unwavering essence.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, expressing your gratitude to Him who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Exhale slowly, taking slightly longer than the inhale, releasing any feelings of unease or uncertainty from your heart, and entrusting them to Him.

You can repeat this several times to help yourself relax and return to a state of peace.

Exercise 1:


Journaling provides a pathway to understanding your inner world, enabling you to delve deeper into the roots of your thoughts and emotions. It grants you the opportunity to release what no longer serves you to God and create space for what matters to Him. Today, we will embark on a journaling session addressed to The LORD Your Rock. Allow Him to explore your innermost being and listen attentively to His voice. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, engage in a dialogue with Him and pen down your thoughts in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / The LORD My Rock, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • You may tell Him about situations, people, or the things they do or say that make you feel insecure, unsafe, or vulnerable.

    • You may tell Him where you usually turn to when you feel insecure (e.g. Netflix, food, alcohol, games, shopping, mindless browsing or scrolling, etc.) and how these choices affect you.

    • You may ask Him how He wants you to manage your feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The LORD Your Rock, your refuge, your shield, and your assurance. How does this connect to your present lifestyle? In your journal, compose a declaration that resonates with your current circumstances.

Because You are The LORD My Rock, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Recite your declaration aloud with conviction and strength. Allow it to permeate your being, becoming your new conviction and prevailing thought. While life coaches and self-help books may advocate for "positive affirmations" to counter limiting beliefs or negative thoughts, the declarations we create are far more substantial. They are rooted in the unchanging nature of God and the truths found in the Bible.

We have reached the end of Day 16 of HE. Thank you for accompanying me. As we conclude, my prayer for you is unwavering strength and resilience in the face of any situation. You are firmly anchored in The LORD Your Rock.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 15 | ADONAI RO'I | The LORD My Shepherd


DAY 15 | ADONAI RO'I | The LORD My Shepherd

DAY 15 | The LORD My Shepherd

Adonai Ro’i (The LORD My Shepherd). I am never in need.

Psalm 23:1

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה רֹעִי

photography by Andrea Lightfoot / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The Shepherd of my soul, I praise You. You are the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. You know me personally, and You carry me close to Your heart.

Thank You for gently leading me to nourishing pastures and refreshing waters. You restore and revive my life. Thank You for revealing my weakness and Your strength as we go through the valleys. Thank You for lifting me amid my enemies.

Forgive me when I neglect Your loving voice and go astray.

Tune my heart to recognize Your voice as You recognize mine, so I may keep walking on the right path.

Because You are my Shepherd, I declare I will have everything I need. I will follow You wholeheartedly, and I know Your unfailing love will pursue me.

A few facts…

  • Adonai Ro'i (יְהוָה רֹעִי) is commonly rendered in English as "the LORD (is) my shepherd".

  • Ro'i (רֹעִי) means "shepherd" or "guardian“, derived from the verb ra'ah (רָעָה), which signifies "to feed," "to tend," or "to shepherd." This term is frequently used in the Bible to describe the work of shepherds, including feeding, protecting, and guiding the flock.

  • There's a notion that the extended meaning of ra'ah is rea' (רֵעַ), signifying "friend" or "companion." Consequently, some English translations render Adonai Ro'i as "my best friend and my shepherd."


In a quiet place, sit comfortably and undisturbed. Gently rotate and relax your shoulders and neck.

Smile, for the shepherd of your soul is watching over you with care.

Inhale through your nose, imagining the gentle shepherd cradling a meek lamb in His arms.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, deeply thankful, for you are that lamb in His embrace, receiving love and protection.

Exhale slowly through your mouth, taking longer than the inhale, releasing to Him any feelings of being lost, unloved, unaccepted, or unwelcome.

Repeat this as needed to ease into a state of relaxation.

Exercise 1:


Today, we are going to write to The LORD Your Shepherd. You may write it any way you want, or just as the Holy Spirit leads you. If you haven’t tried this before, I strongly suggest writing your personalized version of Psalm 23. Simply paraphrase the 6 verses in your own words and try to include your own life experiences. This is one of my favorite journal experiences of all time. Enjoy your writing but don’t forget to listen to His response and document it in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear LORD, My Shepherd, …

[Part 2]

My child / My sheep / (your name), …

  • • Is there anyone in your life who is really like a shepherd to you? Write to God about him/her.

    • Have you ever wandered away from Him before? How did that happen and how did He bring you back? Recount to Him your story.

    • Ask Him how He wants you to shepherd someone or a group.

    • Have you been hurt or offended by teachers, leaders, pastors, or authority figures in your life? You may process the experience with God.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


As you may have already noticed, Psalm 23 serves as the foundation and a prime example of what we have been doing here. It is a declaration of faith that is based on who God is.

He is The LORD Your Shepherd. So, how does this apply to your present circumstances? Write your own declaration, and make it applicable to your current situation.

Because You are The LORD My Shepherd, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak your declaration aloud to both yourself and your Shepherd. Let faith arise within you, and read it with unwavering conviction a few more times. "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," as Jesus said in Mark 11:24. Your declaration will transform into your new normal, your new reality.

This marks the end of Day 15 of HE. I am grateful to our Shepherd for leading you towards Himself, and we are now halfway through our journey! Today, I pray that He will reveal His shepherd's heart to you and work through you to touch the lives of others.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 14 | ADONAI OSENU | The LORD Our Maker


DAY 14 | ADONAI OSENU | The LORD Our Maker

DAY 14 | The LORD Our Maker

Come, let’s worship and bow down. Let’s kneel in front of Adonai Osenu (The LORD Our Maker)

Psalm 95:6

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה עֹשֵׂנוּ

photography by Pawel Czerwinski / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD My Maker, I praise You. You saw me when I was still formless, and You knit me together in my mother's womb.

Thank You for creating me in Your image and breathing Your living Spirit into me. You know every one of my hidden thoughts and desires; no one else knows me so intimately.

Forgive me when I fail to appreciate the way You have designed me and when I fail to see the worth of others. Forgive me when I am indifferent to life.

Teach me to fully accept and embrace exactly the way You have created and wired me. Mould me and empower me to walk into my destiny.

Because You are My Maker, I proudly declare that my existence is not random, nor an accident. I am fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose that only I can fulfill.

A few facts…

  • Adonai Osenu (יְהוָה עֹשֵׂנוּ), usually translated in English Bible as "The LORD Our Maker”, also translated as "The LORD Our Creator" or "The LORD Who Made Us."

  • In the Hebrew language of the Bible, there are several terms expressing the concept of "create" or "make":

    • Bara (בָּרָא): This term is commonly used to describe divine creation and is primarily found in religious or mythological contexts in modern Hebrew. (See Genesis 1:1)

    • Pa'al (פָּעַל): This term is associated with actions of "doing" or "working" and is more common in modern Hebrew, typically used to describe practical actions or work. (See Psalms 95:5)

    • Osenu (עֹשֵׂנוּ): This term comes from the root "asah" (עָשָׂה), meaning "to do" or "to make," and is less common in modern Hebrew. (See Psalms 95:6)

    • Yatzer (יֹצֵר): This term comes from the root "yatsar" (יָצַר), meaning "to form" or "to shape," and is primarily used in literary or religious texts in modern Hebrew. (See Isaiah 45:18)


In a quiet space, sit down comfortably. Do some stretching exercises to relax yourself.

Smile, whether today is your birthday or not, I rejoice in your existence! For you were chosen and loved before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-5).

Slowly and gently inhale through your nose, imagining this scene: Our heavenly Father shaping you with His loving hands, breathing life into your being.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, envisioning this moment: as He gazes upon you, He feels deeply satisfied and pleased.

As you exhale slowly and fully through your mouth, release to Him that inner critic who often nitpicks and undermines yourself, or release any dissatisfaction with yourself.

Exercise 1:


Today's writing is dedicated to The LORD Our Maker, distinct from Day 1 where we praised God as the Creator of "all things". Our attention now shifts to the One who has intricately fashioned the unique YOU. Let’s welcome the Holy Spirit to guide you as you write. Record the dialogue in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / The LORD My Maker, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • You may take this opportunity to address the way He has designed and wired you, tell Him what you like about it or what you can’t fully embrace. It can be about your gender, race, physical features (your height, weight, figure, etc.), abilities, gifts, personality, etc.

    • You may thank Him for every (or a specific) organ or body part, and thank Him for what it allows you to do or achieve in your life.

    • You may ask Him questions like, “What were You thinking when You created me?”, “What is my divine purpose?”, “What do you see in me?”, etc.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The LORD Your Maker. He has fashioned you in His image and for His purpose. How does this relate to the way you live today?

Because You are The LORD My Maker, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak your declaration aloud, directing it towards Him, yourself, and the universe, repeating it as many times as necessary until it becomes ingrained in your heart. Your declaration has the power to shatter the chains of limiting beliefs. This simple act will help rewire your brain and renew your mind for His intended purpose.

As Day 14 of HE draws to a close, my prayer for you is that you will come to a full realization of your divine worth, and continually bask in His delight.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 13 | ADONAI NISSI | The LORD My Banner


DAY 13 | ADONAI NISSI | The LORD My Banner

DAY 13 | The LORD My Banner

Moses built an altar and called it Adonai Nissi (The LORD My Banner).

Exodus 17:15

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה נִסִּי

photography by Mike van den Bos / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD, My Banner, my victory! I exalt Your name, for You have won the ultimate and irreversible victory over all powers.

Thank You for every glorious victory I have experienced because of Your power, love, and truth. Thank You for celebrating my victories with me, even the smallest ones that no one ever notices.

Forgive me for battling through my days in my own strength, which makes me weary, frustrated, and disheartened. Forgive me for allowing fear to stop me from doing what I should.

Make me a resilient fighter; do not let my past failures paralyze me. Train my heart to rely on You and my hands to battle in Your strength.

Because You are My Banner, I declare that I am destined to be more than a conqueror. By the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony, I am an overcomer of every obstacle.

A few facts…

  • Adonai Nissi (יְהוָה נִסִּי) appears only once in the Bible. This term is commonly translated into English as "The LORD is My Banner", with a few translations as "The LORD Gives Me Victory" or "The LORD is My Refuge," and some interpreted as "The LORD is My Miracle."

  • The term Nissi (נִסִּי), derived from the Hebrew word Nes (נֵס), signifies a pole with an attached insignia, banner, standard, ensign, signal, sign, or miracle.

  • During the battle against the Amalekites at Rephidim, Moses held up God's staff with Aaron and Hur's support. The Israelites prevailed only when the staff was raised. Moses built an altar to commemorate the victory and named it Adonai Nissi, acknowledging God as Israel's banner under which they conquered the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16).


In a quiet space, make yourself comfortable. Relax your shoulders, neck, and jaw.

Smile, victory belongs to you because you belong to Him!

Take a deep breath, allowing your abdomen to rise and expand, focusing on Him who never loses any battle.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, celebrating His triumph over all temptations, sins, diseases, death, and the devil.

Slowly exhale from your mouth, taking longer than inhaling, releasing any feelings of defeat or fear of failure to Him.

You can repeat these steps as needed.

Exercise 1:


Today, we are going to write to The LORD Your Banner. In His presence, you are loved and treasured just the way you are. It's a safe space to fully express yourself. Let your thoughts flow freely and let Him journey through your inner world. Take time to listen and record your dialogue. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to a nourishing conversation.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / The LORD My Banner / My Victory, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • You may recount the victories He led you to, no matter how small they seem.

    • If you are coping with failures of any kind, process your experience and feelings with Him. Let Him shed light on your situation and help you reframe it.

    Check out APPENDIX 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


Are you currently facing significant challenges? I urge you to write a faith-filled declaration and proclaim triumph over your circumstances. Remember that the Lord is your banner, your source of victory, and the one who fights on your behalf.

Because You are The LORD My Banner, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak your declaration out loud with certainty and anticipation, repeating it until your heart is fully aligned with the words. Your faith in Him can turn the impossible into possible, and possibilities into realities. Consider displaying your declaration in a prominent location to serve as a constant reminder and motivator.

Day 13 of HE has come to an end. My prayer for you is that every time you praise His name, The LORD Your Banner, you are reminded that your victory is already won. Hallelujah!


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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DAY 12 | ADONAI MEKADDISHKEM | The LORD Who Sanctifies You


DAY 12 | ADONAI MEKADDISHKEM | The LORD Who Sanctifies You

DAY 12 | The LORD Who Sanctifies You

Say to the Israelites, ‘Be sure to observe my days of worship. This will be a sign between me and you for generations to come so that you will know that I am Adonai Mekaddishkem (The LORD Who Sanctifies You).

Exodus 31:13

Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם

photography by Andrzej Kryszpiniuk / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD, my Sanctifier, I adore You. You rested on the 7th day of creation; You blessed and sanctified that day and instituted the Sabbath to reveal to mankind the importance of complete and solemn rest.

Thank You for the gracious gift of Sabbath. It is the day for resting my body, mind, and spirit before You, magnifying You, and savoring the marvelous things You've done.

Forgive me for being preoccupied with my productivity and performance. Sometimes I refuse to slow down and rest. Forgive me for neglecting Your commandment and denying my needs.

Holy Spirit, calm my soul at the cross of Jesus, where all striving, worldly pursuits, and works of the flesh should cease.

Because You are the LORD who sanctifies me, I will keep the Sabbath holy and find true rest and renewal in You.

A few facts…

  • Adonai Mekaddishkem (יְהוָה מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם) is generally translated as "The LORD Who Sanctifies You" , "The LORD Who Makes You Holy," or "The LORD Who Sets You Apart".

  • Mekaddishkem (מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם) comes from the Hebrew word kadosh (קָדוֹשׁ), and is translated in English to "sanctify", "holy", "dedicate", "consecrate", "sanctuary", or "hallow". To sanctify means to set apart something or someone for sacred use.

  • The first occurrence of Mekaddishkem can be found in Genesis 2:3a, where God sanctified the Sabbath: "Then Elohim blessed the seventh day and set it apart as holy because on that day He ceased all His work of creation." Adonai Mekaddishkem appears in Exodus 31:13 when God gave the commandment of the Sabbath to the Israelites. It is a promise from God to the Israelites that He will make them a holy people belonging to Himself, establishing a special relationship with them.


Find a quiet space, minimizing distractions. Roll and relax your neck and shoulders, releasing muscle tension.

Smile, for true rest is found in Him.

Take a deep breath, filling your lower abdomen, imagining yourself comfortably lying in God's embrace.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, acknowledging this truth: whether resting or working, you are equally loved and cherished in His eyes.

Gently exhale slowly, taking longer than inhaling, entrusting to Him your anxieties, fears of missing out, attachment to personal performance, and perfectionism.

Repeat these simple steps as needed to relax your mind and body.

Exercise 1:


Journaling goes beyond prayer and internal reflection. It provides an emotional outlet and helps us gain clarity on our thoughts and beliefs. By exploring deeper, we uncover the sources of mental clutter and emotions, allowing us to let go of what no longer serves us and make room for what truly matters.

Today we will write to The LORD Who Sanctifies You. Let’s invite the Holy Spirit, seeking His guidance and discovering the path He intends for you. Steady yourself and find the flow of His Spirit. Capture your dialogue with Him in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / the LORD Who Sanctifies Me, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • Based on the above context,

    • you may write to Him about your experience of resting in Him

    • you may tell Him what “resting” means to you, and ask Him what “resting” means to Him

    • are you reeling under a performance-driven culture? You may tell Him how you feel about it

    • you may take this opportunity to plan your rest with Him, ask Him how He wants you to rest and listen to His response

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is the LORD Who Sanctifies You. He established the Sabbath and invites you to rest. How does this connection impact your present lifestyle? Take a moment to reflect and pen down your declaration.

Because You are the LORD who sanctifies me, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak this declaration aloud to Him and yourself. Repeat it a few times, allowing it to penetrate your soul. Nourish your mind with thoughts that please God and let go of thoughts that do not serve you or His kingdom.

This marks the end of Day 12 of HE. As we conclude today, my prayer is for your restless heart to discover genuine rest in Him. He is the One who rested on the seventh day of creation and will guide us into the ultimate Sabbath rest.



Personal remarks. For over a year now, I’ve been observing the Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening. It probably isn’t the time to explain all the whys, hows, and benefits here. To keep it short, I would say that I set aside that day just for activities that are restful and worshipful, activities that help me connect with God, myself, or my loved ones.

I am by no means asking you to observe the Sabbath the way I do, but it is a spiritual practice that is worth looking into, especially when we are living in a world that worships productivity and performance. If you are interested, you are welcome to view/use the Sabbath prayers I use with my sister.

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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